Thursday, December 23, 2010

Loreto Fishing, Gulf Grouper

When adults these grouper are usually solid brown with a lighter tan belly. They can exceed six-feet and 200 pounds. They were very common in the upper and mid Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California) but are becoming more scarce. Like most large grouper, they are especially vulnerable to spearfishing due to their curiosity. Bayas prefer rugged underwater topography with caves where they will set up a territorial habitat from which to ambush prey. At times, these grouper will hunt cooperatively and have been seen balling up schools of yellowtail on the surface at Isla Carmen, Loreto, while taking turns feeding. As with most grouper, juveniles may be found in shallow water but will migrate to deeper water when adults. Although most gulf grouper reside in the Sea of Cortez the current IGFA world record came from the Uncle Sam Bank on the Pacific side and weighed 100 pounds 14 ounces.

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